NFL Newborn Fan Club Identity
The NFL was excited about the roll out a new initiative that targeted new parents. The NFL Newborn Fan Club develops deeper NFL bonds with families and inspires parents to pass down their fandom to the newest member of their team. The Club connects with casual and avid fans in a personalized, light-hearted way that delivers value and makes them feel welcome during one of the most special times in their life. It to reach parents of children ages 0-3.
The NFL Newborn Fan Club identity conveys excitement about this new phase in a family’s life. It also conveys support of the families as they find the balance between their new responsibilities as parents and their NFL fandom. A personalized, uplifting, and informative welcome to the NFL Family.

The task was to create an identity that felt very NFL, very football and child like at the same time.
I started the process by identifying color, type and filling specific “buckets” with iconic imagery or elements that related to children and football. Once these buckets were identified, I went about blending these whimsical elements with various type configurations that had a child like feel.